registry - harps
(Registre des, musiciens, étudiants, musicologues, professeurs et facteurs, concernant les harpes chromatiques à cordes croisées). Centre d'échanges des harpes à cordes croisées.
The World Wide Web offers unprecedented opportunities to establish a Centre of knowledge for the cross strung chromatic harp, a wonderfull instrument, which I believe, deserves a glorious career.
I am offering to maintain Registry which will be available to all musicians and musicologists equiped to surf the Web. I will process input in English and in French, which are my working languages. Any suggestions as to how this Registry should be organized, maintained and advertised are welcome. This is a voluntary service and I will not take responsibility for the products and services listed under this Registry. Ceci est un service bénévole et je n'assume aucune responsabilité pour les produits et services listés dans ce Registre.
Teachers-Performers (for schools: see Writings and Recordings:
- Ben Brown,P.0 Box 1183, Portage, Michighan 49081, USA. tel 616
- Roger Muma. 1157 St. Anthony Rd., London, Ontario, Canada N6H 2R2. Tel 519 649-0309. e-mail: roger@mumaharps.com
- Liz Cifani, 1424 Crain St. Evanston IL 60202 USA Tel 708 866-6533
- Harper Tasche, 1122 E Pike St #1397, Seattle WA 98122 Tel 206 329-4599. E-mail harper@Seanet.com Web site
- Nuria Llopis Areny (Arpa de dos ordenes) Barbieri, 1-4 izq, E-28004 Madrid, Espagne. Tel-Fax 34-1-523 37 81
- Mike Parker, see below
- Paola Dujardin Chatelle,3 Hertogenweg, 3080 Tervuren, Belgique.
- Francette Bartholomé 26 rue Haute, 13340 Ottignies, fax-tel: 32 10 45 31 25 Belgique
- Jaye Emrys, 4450 California Ave #222, Bakersfield, CA 93309. USA tel 661 322-5476; e-mail: lessons@wingedharper.com
- Verlene Schermer, e-mail: verlene@ix.netcom.com
P.O. Box 24412 San Jose, CA 95154
- Vanessa Gerkens, c/o Louckx, Chaussé¥ de Wavre, 541.1390 Grez-Doiceau. Belgique. Fax 32 10 84 33 40, E-mail: Dixitinfo@Gate71.be
- Elizabeth Paine, Houston, Texas teaches cross-strung harp, lever harp, or pedal harp. She can also teach students anywhere in the world using video chat technology.
- Elizabeth P. Cupp, 112 Maple St. Northfield, Minnesota 55057-2335 USA. Tel (507) 663-7926.
- Bill McJohn, arpa des dos ordenes, 2616 E Ward St, Seattle, WA 98112, tel 206 328-7324; e-mail: billmc@microsoft.com
- Zeke Hoskin, 2518 Cherry St. Bellingham, WA 98225 USA. Zekehoskin@home.com
- C飩le Marichal, 17 rue de Lisbonne. B. 1060 Brussels. Belgium. Tel =32 2 539 06 21, fax =32 2 759 4465. e-mail c.marichal@caramail.com.
- Hannelore Devaere, (University thesis on the cross strung
chromatic harp). website: www.hanneloredevaere.be
e-mail: hannelore.devaere@gmail.com
- Odile Tackoen, 53 av des Constellations, B-2000 Bruxelles,
Belgique. (cross strung harp method). She may still be teaching too.
- Mike Parker, 3 Ashford House, St. Thomasplace, Hackney, E97PP England, UK, tel 181 986-3555.
Cross Strung Harp(X-harps) Builders:
Gary Stone, Stoney end harps, x-harps (kits and harps) 612 923-4709, WWW. Stoneyend.com , Stoney@stoneyend.com
- Mike Parker, see above, Arpa de dos ordenes, Greenway (double neck) style
- Pedro Llopis Areny, Apartado 454-38080 Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
Espagne. Arpa de dos ordenes. (see Harpa magazine for his ads)
- Pat O'Loughlin, 300 E. Willow St., Stillwater Minnesota 55082, (651) 275-1263, rabbit41@aol.com, www.positivechange.com/harp
- Argent Fox Music, Box 6256 Bloomington, IN 47407 USA Tel 812 332-
- Philippe SRL Clement, RR#3 NAPANEE, Ontario,Canada K7R 3K8. Tel 613 354 2219 , Fax 613 354-0862. E-mail (see below). Cross strung
chromatic harps (see catalog 1998 separate page).
- Glenn Hill, Mountain Glen Harps, 809 W. 1st St. Phoenix, Oregon 97535 USA, Tel 541 535-7700; fax 541 535-5657; e-mail: mtglen@aol.com
Builds custom cross strung harps
- Harps and Harps C/O Brandden Lassells, 41 Young Street, Gosford West NSW 2250 Australia
Tel: +612 4324 3100 Fax +612 4325 4422 brandden@harps.com.au, www.harps.com.au
- Tim Hobrough, Southviwe, Back Street. Fordyce, Banff, Scotland. AB452SG
- Simon Capp, 4 Aightburth avenue, Bognor Regis, West Sussex. England. PO 21 3DA
- William Rees, 222 Main Street, Rising Sun, IN, 47040. Tel (812) 438-3032. Website: http://www.traditionalharps.com
- Denis Brevet, 1 Le Verger. 53200 Menil. France.
- Blessley Instruments, Dr Mark and Valerie Blessley, 10013 NE Hazel Dell Ave. #430, Vancouver, WA USA 98685. Phone: (360) 576-8111 Fax: (360) 910-0511, e-mail: blesses@pacifier.com, Webpage: http://www.pacifier.com/~blesses. Custom X-harps
- Massimiliano Mirra. Via Aldo Moro. 820185. Giorgo del Iannio. Italy. Tel: 0032 0824 58046. E-mail: palette@audiophile.com.
- Christoph Locherbach and Andre Schubert. Klangwurbstrasse. Hauptstratze22. D-86865 Markt Wald. Germany. Tel 0049 08262 2478. Fax 0049 08262 90103
- Kurt Rhomberg. Achsiedlungsstr.38 A- 6900 Bregenz. Austria. tel: 0043 05574 79185. Fax 0043 5574 85050.
- Rick Kemper. Sligo Harp Shop. 10605 Lockridge Dr, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901. tel: 301-593-6954, email: rkemper@ctia.org