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Celtic Moon shows an early "Irish lap Harp". It might have even been used on the recording, but I have no information about that.

Jennifer White Plays one of my "Concerto 33's" on her CD Clarsach. She recently took delivery of her new custom 37-string harp that I made for her. She now owns three of my harps and can be seen and heard around London and South Western Ontario.

Don Ross bought for his wife Kelly McGowan a Irish Lap Harp that I made. It is featured on a couple of the tracks of their CD.

In 1997 we produced a tape to commemorate our 3 years of playing together as the London Portable Harp Company. All the harps were made by me.

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  Roger Muma, 651 Baseline Rd. E., London, ON, Canada, N6C 2R2, Ph. (519) 649-0309.